This privacy notice gives you details about the information we collect through the use of our website. By providing us with your data you authorise that you are over 13 years of age.
Data protection
Data confidentiality and privacy protection is a priority matter for us. Every time we ask for any personal data we will inform you about its processing in detail.
We are committed to protecting your privacy in line with the GDPR regulations, especially not revealing information to third parties and processing it only for purposes determined in the Privacy Policy.
Personal data are secured from its illegal display to unauthorized persons, taking it without authorization, damage, loss or change and processing at variance with mandatory legal provisions. Sending personal data and communicating with our servers is encrypted and is happening according to the SLL protocol.
We gather personal data such as
    • personal data (for example name, surname or other contact data) provided in order to get a specific service;
    • data of browsed websites (for example ID address, location - country, information about websites visited by the user on the Internet, time of the access to the website, time of the navigation on every website, analysis of the clicking process;
Forwarded personal data can be processed in order to
    • realise a specific user's request or perform required service ("Service");
    • after given client's clear authorization – for sending business information and advertisement of products and services offered by us or running a business research;
    • improving the comfort of using websites.
We use cookies
A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent from a website and gets stored on the user’s computer whilst they are browsing the website. Cookies are used to enable a viewer’s experience to be the best it can be. It can help show the viewer the best options for them based on their last visit to the website. It can also help website owners to analyse their traffic data and help with advertising and marketing purposes. Cookies are used by nearly all websites and they do not harm your computer.
You can change the types of cookies you accept through your browser settings. You are able to block cookies through your browser settings. If you set your browser to block cookies you are unlikely to be able to access our website.
We reserve the right to apply changes in the Privacy Policy in case of change in legal regulations or implementing new information technology solutions.

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